About this course
This is the first course in my Get The Job NOW! lecture series which focuses on increasing job readiness skills. In this course, students will learn about the value of the Influence Letter as an interview follow-up strategy. The goal of this course is to teach students through step-by-step instruction, how to create their own Influence Letter template. Students can then use this template as a working document to update and submit to the interviewer after every interview they go on. A major feature of this course is the five months of unlimited feedback and review of their job application materials in addition to the proofreading service for the first draft of their Influence Letter. Additionally, this is a course designed to defeat procrastination through motivating students to complete the template by the end of the course. You should take this course if you are serious about doing every and anything you can do stand out, beat the competition, and get the job you desire NOW!
What are the requirements?
- Students should have a desire to do whatever it takes to go above and beyond in their job search and interview tactics.
What am I going to get from this course?
- Over 11 lectures and 48 mins of content!
- Learn how to use an Influence Letter to influence the results of a job interview! Students will effectively create their own Influence Letter template in a short amount of time.
What is the target audience?
- This course is beneficial for anyone who wants to increase their job search skills. This course is for anyone who is interested in making a strong impression to influence the results of their next job interview!