CVs & Cover Letters
Writing a successful CV (resume) is the difference between being added to the Yes pile rather than the No pile on a...
A CV is your prospective new employer’s first look at who you are and what you might be able to offer their business....
Are you looking to stand out from the crowd with your CV (resume)? Then why not do something totally unconventional and...
Writing your CV is one of the most important tasks you do when applying for a new job. But writing a great CV can be...
As part of our review of different careers, we take a look at how to become a wedding planner. We also look at what a...
How to write the perfect CV to get you that interview and job you want. A CV is the best way to get your foot in the...
Many employers ask job seekers to send in a cover letter with their CV. For job applicants this is great news as a good...
The role of a cover letter is to complement a CV, not to repeat what you've already stated in your CV. The cover letter...
Wriring a great cover letter to accompany your CV (resume) is one way to stand out from the crowd. But exactly how to...