Nail Technician Training Courses

Nail Technician

Nail technicians are a sort after professional in the beauty sector as they have the skills to transfer the way a man's or woman's hands appear. The most important aspect of becoming a practicing, confident nail technician is to acquire as much hands-on experience as possible (pardon the pun). As a qualified nail technician you'll be working directly with the nails and skin of the general public, so it is essential that any nail technician course you attend includes the understanding of a variety of skin conditions that may harm or aggravate your client.

Who is the Nail technician course aimed at?

The nail technician training course is aimed at students who are interested in becoming a beauty professional working in high street beauty salons, day spas, health spas and in other areas of the beauty industry, including fashion shoots and magazine shoots.

Students on this course need to be friendly, approachable and have good level of written and spoken English.

Nail Technician course content

There is not one standard nail technician course on offer but there are many key elements that any good nail technician training course should contain. These include:

  • Health and Safety at Work
  • Hygiene in the workplace
  • Risk assessments
  • COSHH with the nail industry
  • Preventing infection
  • Sterilisation
  • Preparing the client
  • Skin analysis
  • Treatment planning
  • Administering nail treatment
  • Effective communication
  • Marketing your business
  • Nail growth
  • Nail type
  • Nail sculpture
  • Natural nail art / acrylic nails
  • Preparing the natural nail
  • Preparing and applying nail tips
  • Preparing and applying acrylic nails
  • Nail jewellery
  • Nail aftercare
  • and much more

Whichever nail technician course you decide to enrol onto, make sure that the course awards you a recognised industry standard of achievement.

What kind of nail technician courses are available?

Typically, to graduate as a full-time nail technician will take upwards of 200 hours. This can occur over a variety of timeframes and course length, including:

  • Part-time courses over 1 year
  • Full-time courses in 6 to 12 weeks

Anything less than this may not give you the standard of skills expected from an industry standard nail technician.

After the nail technician training course

Graduates of a nail techniian course can expected to be a sort after professional, able to gain employment in high street beauty salons, day spas, health spas, spa retreats, health clubs and other beauty establishments. Other opportunities include working as a freelance or self-employed nail technician by marketing yourself in your local area and generating a clientele basis to sustain a run a successful and fruitful beauty company.

For nail technician courses from leading nail technician course providers and more visit our beauty training courses search.