Online A-Level Government and Politics Course

A-Level Government and Politics

The objective of our Online A-Level Government and Politics Course to develop student's critical thinking skills to allow the student to interpret and evaluate the nature of politics. During this course the student will develop understanding of the political system of the United Kingdom and will review the differences between it and the other political systems. The student will also learn about the right and responsibilities of the individuals.

Online A-Level Government and Politics Course Structure

The Online A-Level Government and Politics course will include the following topics:

1. People, Politics and Participation

  • Participation and voting behaviour
  • Electoral systems
  • Political parties
  • Pressure groups and protest movements
  • 2. Governing Modern Britain

  • The British Constitution
  • Parliament
  • The core executive
  • Multi-level governance
  • 3. The Politics of the USA

  • The electoral process and direct democracy
  • Political parties
  • Voting behaviour
  • Pressure groups
  • 4. The Government of the USA

  • The constitutional framework of US government
  • The legislative branch of government: US Congress
  • The executive branch of government
  • The judicial branch of government: the supreme court
  • During this course you will use a mixture of lessons, activities, core reading and assessments.

    What skills does the Online A-Level Government and Politics Course develop?

    The Online A-Level Government and Politics Course develops:

    • Develop a awareness of the nature of politics and the relationship between political ideas, institutions and processes;
    • Learn about the structures of authority and power and how these may differ from those of other political systems;
    • Develop a informed understanding of the rights and responsibilities of the individual;
    • Develop an interest in and engagement with contemporary politics.

    Online A-Level Government and Politics Course Format

    • 24/7 access to all your materials
    • Course accessible on any portable device. It enables students to carry the classroom in their pockets
    • Online Lessons and Assessments
    • Interactive study environments, where you can collaborate with other students
    • 12 Months Tutor Support
    • Both Digital and Print resources
    • Live chat functionality with tutors and students
    • Direct links to media-rich and interactive learning resources

    Course Duration

    360 hours GLH (Guided Learning Hours)


    The course contains a number of assignments which your tutor will mark and give the student valuable feedback on. These are called Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs).


    AS Level

    • Unit 1: GOVP1 People, Politics and Participation- Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes
    • Unit 2: GOVP2 Governing Modern Britain- Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes

    A2 Level

    • Unit 3: GOV3A - The Politics of the USA- Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes
    • Unit 4: GOV4A - The Government of the USA- Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes

    AS + A2 = A level in Government and Politics. Both AS and A2 level courses and examinations must be successfully completed to gain a full A level.